Date & Time



Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Well August is almost over and I've been trying to get into the Sewing Loft every day for at least a short time.

I'm pretty emotionally drained as well as physically. Try to sort out things in a spiritual manner, because I know that keeps me out of trouble. So, I'm praying that this ends soon and trust that I'm praying in the proper manner to keep from adding more hardship to heartache.

It has been a month now since the Intrastim transplant and all seem to be going well there, but the bronchitis and palsy continues to plague me. . And yesterday with the starting of coughing blood in my spit, maybe by the end of the week it will be cleared up.

Today, the hives started again from the Spiriva medication. It helps with the breathing, but don't know how long I can stand the hives before I just chuck it into the trash.

Anyway, I'm working on the pieced border for the Foundation Paper Piecing top that l love because it makes me want to spend time at the beach and in particular Sanabel where I could be with Michael and Anne. Feel I need to spend more time with them especially after the blow up on the weekend of Kori's event. Sometimes, I too over reactive and although I try not to be sensitive when he says the things he does, it does bother me. Man, I sure do get off on stupid subjects.

Also finished a couple more blocks for BOMs that I belong to except the Black & White which I'm planning on doing July & August on Thursday. There will be no quilting tomorrow or this weekend because there is a Stamp Show and The Rib Fest that I want to attend.

Saturday, August 4, 2012 in Tamaqua, PA block of the month. They are really traditional.  Guess it would have helped if I posted the next blocks.

 Then, we are back to Free BOM. I'm so happy with the colors that I chose for this quilt. My next steps are to start quilting the ones I have done. As soon as it cools off.

Getting caught up with my Blocks of the Month! Craftsy is moving along and I'm really pleased with the colors. It will look so modern.

Then there is a new $5.00 BOM and if I post each month's block prior to the deadline, I get the next month for shipping only... What a deal! Check out in Tamaqua, PA block of the month. They are really traditional.