Date & Time



Monday, December 20, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree

A Christmas Tree I made using my favorite graphic program PSP So sorry that the original company sold out to Corel who have totally ruined the program with their so called enhancements. Now it is bulky, ugly and not at all user-friendly.... Oh well that is progress for you.
Oh well, this is broke too... the tree is suppose to be twinkling... as an animated gif, however; doesn't look like it can here.
Merry Christmas All!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Black Friday Madness

You must see this. Oh my, I'm embarrass to think my country has turned into this. I'm thankful, however; that I refuse to participate in this "black friday madness".

Wintery Sunday

Yes, Sunday morning coffee -- So good! Started out early this morning, how about 4:50 am yes it is so true and now wish I could take a nap. yawn!
It is very windy out this morning and the snow is swirling on the parking lot across the street. Do you really suppose we are having "global warming". I personally think it is "global welfare".
Global whatever, not too sure that is what our founding fathers were referring to when they wrote our Constitution. Americans are the kindest people on earth and yet others accuse us of being colonizers and ugly.
The founding fathers wrote those great documents with a Supreme Being in mind and a following of the "Golden Rule". And just what is the "Golden Rule" many young and old ask these days. If any of them even would understand the concept of it. Just to refresh your memory it is thus:
"Do onto others, as you would have them do unto you."
It is not do unto others as you will, nor is it oh well it doesn't matter because "I" am doing my own thing or even "every man for himself". How about "Express Yourself" Which now brings me to one of my favorites, told to me by my 8th grade teacher: "Your right to stretch your arm, ends where my nose begin." ah ha now isn't that a provoking thought...
Well, I'm outta of here for today.  Happy Sunday, stay warm and let not your heart be troubled.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Are We Living in Fear - or Should We!

Should we?
"Only limited and carefully defined powers should be delegated to government, all others being retained in the people" - Principle 19 of our Founding Father - The Five Thousand Year Leap 28 Great Ideas That Changed the World by W. Cleon Skousen.
How much power have we relinquish to our government? Not only the Federal, but our State, County and local. Are you free to put up a storage shed or a fence on your property or for that matter of fact a new front porch without the government becoming involved? How about how your tax dollars are spent? Do you have a sidewalk to nowhere in your township or district? Take a look around. Question yourself as to where and why our government has such power and is that healthy for our republic?
Thoughts of our modern life should be arising in our minds daily. We should remember that we are the greatest nation to have ever emerge in modern time and our way of life is unique and protected. By protected, not by force but by common sense and participation in the process. It is understood that not everyone is a student of political science, or military might, but it is every one's duty to know about such things and to participate in it  at the very least as being knowledgeable about what is going on and what is lawful and legal according to The Constitution of the United States.
Become involved, be aware and know what it is that our republic stands for ...
And so for today, I say so long and let not your heart be troubled.