Date & Time



Saturday, February 18, 2012

Oh my Haven't I been Busy!

Well, today is "The Rocket's 7th birthday. Cute little guy he is:
Happy Birthday big boy!
And so the quilting saga continues. Still no improvment on my Tin Lizzie, she won't stitch more than maybe a dozen before the thread breaks... darn frustrating. There was this guy from the sewing machine shop who was going to come over "SOME" weekend and take a look at her, but still no show and that was 2 weeks ago. I think I'm going to put her on Ebay and see if I can maybe get some of my money back and you can make a bet that I WILL NOT purchase another used machine no matter how good the deal.
I'm sure it is a good machine for someone who has time and energy to piss around with it, but I sure don't lots of time but not the energy.
So, now my goal is  to use up my fabric stash and turn it into quilt tops so that if and when I get a machine to quilt them they will be ready to go. This is what I've been working on:
Block of the Months - I have 3 of them currently started, well actually 4 but Ladies of the Sea is a work in process.
Number 1 - Sunshine & Starlight - 12 Blocks and a 24 x 24 Center Medallion

Number 2 Black & White - Started January, 2012
Do not know what happened to January's picture. Maybe later. Dogs wants some breakfast and so do I.

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