Date & Time



Saturday, May 14, 2011

Pillow Shams for F & P Civil War Sampler

Ok, another Saturday night! Isn't there a song like that? Anyway, it isn't night yet, but I'm up and at 'em! Finish the last pillow sham for the Fons & Porter's Civil War Sampler by Toby Lischko. DH loves them and has already confiscated one of them. Also ordered a Zipper Leader system this morning, not as expensive as I thought they would be. In the meantime, I'm ready to fire up Lizzie and get the Civil War Sampler quilted and be ready to do my MQ4 on the frame when the new leader systems arrives.
We are still struggling with cold and allergies don't seem to help them any. We were on antibotics and cough syrup last week but have had little change except that the fever and flu symptons seem to have gone away. I started back on the allergy medicine in hopes it will help some.
Best wishes and prayers go out to my good, loving friend Bonnie who had a quadtruple bypass surgery last Monday. OMG, what a shock!
Ok, now here is the Sham!
They are very large and the directions stated to put the opening lengthwise, but now I wish I had did it the shorter side because they are gapping all over the place. We will need some new pillows now! Extra Large!
Happy Saturday!

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