Date & Time



Thursday, June 30, 2011

Moved It

Wahoo, finally moved my sewing machine and cabinet out to the sewing room, so now I not only have room in the dining room but I do not need to put the machine away every night and open it up before I want to stitch something. It is amazing how tiring it is to do that each and every time when it would be so nice just to sit down and sew. Next is the Serger and embroidery machine are going out there. Then so is this baby when I get another one for indoors.
Until later, let not your heart be troubled and keep on pedalling.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Monday and Daughter-in-law is here from Florida. We are going to dinner this evening; however, my other son and Dil and grandson will not be joining us. It seems like the t-ball now is Monday, when his great Uncle and Aunt was here it was Tues & Thurs, Can I divorce my son and his family? I sure feel like it sometimes.
Anyway, it should be a nice dinner. I think though that I will get a nap before and try to get my OBS straighten out before that time. I really like the food where we are going and I really want to enjoy it.
No quilting on Sunday or today, although I may try to get some in after bit. I promised myself that I would do 4 Starry Log Cabin blocks every day, but so far I've fall short as usual.
Nothing other than that to share today.
Let not your heart be trouble.
The good Lord willing and the creek don't rise, I'll be back tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

70 Pinwheels ready for Lizzie!

Here is the lastest and greatest! Finished this top on Saturday, so it is ready for Lizzie as soon as I finish all the rest of the tops I have. Working on "Starry Log Cabin" finally. Also got another block done for "Baltimore Country Cousins" so that is #4

Friday, June 17, 2011

Paper Roses

Boy, where has June gone? Here it is half over already. Big brother and D S-I-L visited and left already. I am truly amaze at how fast the time goes by.
I am going into another stage of paper crafts. Above is a link to these very cute paper roses. I'm heading out to build some now.
Hope you enjoy creating these.
I also am working on a new quilt top using a "Charm Pack". I've been very slow to accept these precut packages, but decided I need to look into to them. So I enrolled in Jenny Doan's online quilting school. The very first full lesson I watched I learn a technique that blew my mind.
Yes, after almost 35 years of quilting, my mind can still be blown away! These young ladies are filled with wonderful and amazing techniques. The class is from, and Missouri Quilt Co. so check it out also.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Easy Quilt Candy Flowers Table Runner Finished

Well, I made it! The new table runner is finished before big Brother & d S-I-L got here. I'm telling you this gave me a rash of *&#% by the time I finished the buttons this morning. I just don't understand! I have so much "stuff" in my stash except the "stuff" I need or want for any give project. Then I have to go to the store to buy more.
I started this on Tuesday and figured one afternoon and one evening TOPS! Sure, if you are superwoman! Which I am not these days!
First, I don't have the right color fabric, oh well, I can do that; then not enough of any one fabric; I can do that! Then, oh yes, sure I have buttons. I have all kinds of buttons. Where are they? Who the heck knows! Oh lets go to the fabric store, grocery store and maybe even breakfast, first.
That sounds like a fantastic idea.
Meet old friends at the restaurant, extra time spent.
Fabric store, oh they are having a sale on batting, spend another $100.00.
Grocery store, stocking up can goods, paper products at Sam's Club. Well, there went any extra money we thought we had.
Now, we are hot and tired. Guess what? The cashier at Joann's forgets to put the "buttons" in the bag and we get all the way home and no buttons, the reason for the whole trip in the first place.
I thought I banished "Murphy's Law" years ago!
Wrong on another one!
DH drives all the way back across town only to be told that "I" his wife should have checked to make sure "she" had everything. Sh__! isn't that HER job! Doesn't she get paid to check us out? Cash and bag? Heck yes, but then there are no competent workers looking for jobs. Perhaps it is the low paying wage that makes these people so incompetent.
Anyway, this whole project was a nightmare and it fought me all the way, but here it is.
But it is finished now and I'm happy with it. Looks very nice. Now, if Brother and Sister-in-law would get here today soon, I'd be really ready for dinner at "The Red Lobster"