Date & Time



Saturday, April 25, 2009

New Lifestyle Plan

Well, today we start back on our healthy eating plan. I've gain about 5 pounds more than I need this past winter and now it is time to get of the soda and sweets. So, this morning dh and I had our morning hot lemon water and finish our breakfast of oatmeal. Now, today we will have a healthy snack of fruit, nuts, fish, and vegetables every 3 hours. Snack includes our lunch and dinner. By 9 pm tonight we will be finished eating and be feeling oh so much better.

I have a stamping event this afternoon and so I am about ready to get my supplies all together so that I can arrive on time for a change. These meeting are always fun and it is nice to meet up with "like-minded friends".

One of my creative goals for 2009 was to complete 12 crocheted doilies, one for each month and now I am up to 7 for the year so far. I'm in the process of taking pictures and hope to produce a slideshow to post shortly.

This isn't getting anything done, so better get a move on here.

Until next time, "Let not your heart be troubled".

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