Date & Time



Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Flash Flooding - more on the way!

We have gotten 4.62 inches of rain since 9:30 am and 2.66" in about a 6 minute period. DH took pictures of the flooding in the backyard. The city has requested all unnecessary traffic be stopped, and ordered evacuation along Mill Creek in Belle Valley. See photos here We definitely had our share of water today.

Although, "The Weather Channel" is totally in the dark about what is happening here, they are forecasting scattered thundershowers today and tomorrow.At this point, we are safe, but the garden is mostly washed out. Hopefully, the seedlings are strong enough to stay put.
On another note, I read in one of the area magazine, a story about the sunsets on Lake Erie, has been falsely reported to be one of the most beautiful in the world. The author of the article reported that "National Geographic" said they had no such information. The problem with the whole thing is that "National Geographic" never had the article in the first place but rather it was Rand McNally who reported that back in the 80's in their atlas. It is too bad that some authors don't bother to get all the details before writing articles.
Ok, I'm off my soapbox again.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Day Trip Planned

Finally, a day trip planned. I've been waiting for this since before Easter and tomorrow we are actually going to do it.

My brother and s-i-l are camping about an hour away and we are driving over tomorrow (Sunday) for brunch, a day of playing (cards) and dinner. I'll have to call him today to make sure we can brings the dogs especially if it is going to be a whole day affair. They would not be happy staying home all day by themselves and I really do not want to impose on anyone to come over and dog sit with them.

DH needs to give them a bath today and I need to go to a Jewelery Raffle Luncheon this afternoon. I've had the tickets since the end of April and will be meeting up with dh step mom and sisters. We always have such a fun time.

Don't forget to check out on Wednesday, July 1st to see all the new In Colors and the latest catalog. I'm so excited to share them with you!

Here are some of the latest cards I made last week:

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Graduation is Over

Summer is here and graduation is over. As the 4th of July approaches, we got word that my oldest brother and sister-in-law will be arriving on July 2nd to spend a couple of weeks here with us in their 5th Wheel travel trailer. I am so looking forward to see them under happy conditions for a change.

Everyone is busy here with weddings, graduations and yard work. Our garden is coming a long fairly good considering the cool damp weather we have been having. The corn is up and will be knee high by the 4th (depending upon whose knees) lol. Therefore, Rocket has been elected to put it to the test.

I made a couple of new cards and will try to post them tomorrow after I get them resized.

Just to let everyone know, I have a clean bill of health, well stable from 3 doctors this month. I am looking forward to being healthy for a long time to come. I worked hard since December to be a non-smoker without much success, so I enrolled in a "Freedom from Smoking" session put on by the American Lung Association and next Monday will be week 4 and our "QUIT" week. I think I am really ready to be a non-smoker and I think I can do it. Perhaps I should say "know" I can do it, if I practice what I preach! (Thoughts are things!)

Ok, I have blabbered on here for a bit. I just want to wish y'all a very pleasant day and "Let not your heart be trouble!" until the next time.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Spring gone - Summer long days are close ...

Another week almost gone! Oh my, but Summer is almost here yippee. We got some super news last week. Big Brother and D Sister-in-law are on their way to spend some time here with us. They spend most of the year traveling around the country in their 5th wheel and every couple of years they come by to stop in on the beautiful southern shores of Lake Erie. We so enjoy their visits and look forward to playing cards with them.
We are getting some rain and you can almost hear the garden growing. The peas, beans, corn are up and we are looking forward to fresh radishes very soon.
I got pretty good clean bill of health this past couple of weeks when I had to visit my doctors and have a bundle of test done.
I have a whole bunch of pictures to load up from the graduation and party, but will not get them done until the weekend.
Now, I'm getting some lunch and wish y'all a very pleasant day.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Fine Ending to a Beautiful Day

The Graduation was a success! Over 600 students received their diplomas including Kori and yes it was signed :o) We didn't stay for the whole thing. First, the 10 minute drive to the Civic Center took us over a half hour and we had to go up 2 flights of stairs, second, there was a baseball game scheduled and it was "Buck Night!" so the traffic was terrible. Fortunately, Kori has a last name that lets her be among the first half of the class. Congratulations, Kori!
Last night I talked to her mom and we were talking about what a lovely young lady Kori is. Her mom, Tracey, and I discussed child-proof homes and teaching children the word "NO!" We both believe that teaching children the meaning of the word "No" teaches them responsibility and protects them away from home. Too many young kids are heartbroken or definet because they do not know the true meaning of "no" once they come across the word out in the world. 'No' used with love and care does not cause low self esteem. In my opinion, "no" can create confidence and will sooner or later let the child know that the parents truly love them.
Ok, I'm off my soapbox now!
The new Stampin'Up!© In Colors, 09-10 Catalog and preview items are due to arrive today. The new IBC will be available July 1, 2009 for ordering. The Last Chance list is posted on the website and you can get there by going to and clicking shop now. Also, remember that the old In Colors will be discontinued on June 30th so if you liked any of those colors now is the time to get them before they are gone forever.
Well for now, let not your heart be troubled, until next time. HAGD!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Big Day

Today, my Granddaughter graduates from high school. Remember how long those 12 years were when you were a kid? My, how the time changes for a Grandmother, seems like only yesterday when she and I went for her first ice cream cone.
She was about 3 and she said, "Grandma, you need a new car!" Now she has her own car and I'm tell her the same thing... :) Driving 20 miles through our winter weather requires a safe and effective vehicle. Guess that is my main worry. I am thankful she will only be driving it on weekends and when the weather is bad doesn't need to come home at all.
It is early here and I'm seriously thinking about going back to bed for a bit, but oh I really don't like to do that, because I can think of a thousand things I could be doing or that need to be done. I just need to motivate myself when I first get up.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Long Day and longer

Well, June is finally here! May seemed to be oh so long!
Kori is graduating next week and this week is her awards ceremony for her cosmopology class, next week is graduation and a graduation party at her mom's. All this and my Stampin'Up! business is taking off, because I signed up my first demonstrator this week.
DH and I took a road trip this morning and got home around 2:30. We stopped and had lunch at a little resturant. It was very good and they even had homemade pies... My favorite dessert. I took maybe 3 pictures all on his camera, so nothing much else except that it cleared up and turned out to be quite a beautiful cool day.
Until the next time, "Let not your heart be troubled".