Date & Time



Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Civil War Sampler

The May/June magazine arrived on Friday, however; I didn't recognize it because it had an advertisement on the cover covering the regular front. Anyway, tomorrow, I will be able to start the last stage of the Civil War Sampler. I figure I'll be ready to put the top together by the weekend if I don't fall into too many traps.
Here is Part 1 and Part 2.

( there is a duplicate in here but what the heck)
Tomorrow, the dogs go for their hair cuts and toenail trims. Perhaps Spring is really here. I certainly hope so because I am tired of the cold and wet weather.
We got some kale from the garden tonight. It weather the winter and came back to life. Our friend, Barb, fried it up with egg and cheese and called it a 'faheita' I have no idea what that is and I'm sure it isn't spelled correctly. It was delicious through. Looking forward to a good garden this year. Hopefully, we have the junk out of it and the soil working properly.
Let not your heart be troubled, good night and pleasant dreams

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